Connecting people to Jesus Christ, to one another, and to God's work in the world.
We are committed to...
...Worshiping the Lord in Spirit and in Truth. In all things, both individually and corporately, we seek to give God glory and to place Him at the center of our lives. Our worship is dependent on the life-giving presence of the Holy Spirit, God’s Word and the Sacraments. We are committed to honoring God with vibrant worship that is relevant, accessible and highly participatory.
...Sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ. We are a people motivated by our Lord’s Great Commission (Mt. 28:18ff.), who strive to meet others in daily life ‘where they are’ and build relationships in which each of us can share God’s love. As we come together, we are intentional about sharing the Gospel message in personal testimonies, through special programs & events and in our teaching/preaching.
...Connecting people to God’s family. Our commitment to authentic relationships is expressed primarily through small group life where we can experience true fellowship, nurture, accountability and mutual care. Additionally, we regularly seek to provide relationship-building opportunities for individuals and families to gather for social events, retreats and special functions.
...Growing & becoming truly transformed disciples of Jesus Christ. We believe that our lives are to be continually transformed into our Lord’s likeness through the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit. As life-long learners we are committed to the study and application of God’s Word as we offer excellence in teaching, small groups and needs-based discipleship ministries for men, women, youth and other groups.
...Serving one another and the world with our unique gifts. Every person has a God-ordained purpose and it is the joy of this community to help each one discover his/her unique giftedness and to be equipped and released for gifts-based ministry in both the Body of Christ and in the wider community. It is our conviction that true life and freedom are discovered in sacrificial giving and in the service of others.